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domingo, octubre 01, 2006

Camila dibujando con colores
Autor: Manuel Romero

Vera Merie Dessommes

Today I danced with you and with my mom.
I felt your love so strong.
We are product of your soul.
Time has past so fast…
I am still so young, but I'm a woman and I'm so strong.
I have your blood and my moms'.
Today I danced with you, with God, with life, with love…
for you, for me, and for my mom.
She missed you, she missed you badly, but now I know that for you was even worse.
I missed her too, I missed her badly, but now I know that for her was even worse…
She came from you, I came from her, and I love you.
Today I danced your sorrow, your pain, your soul;
but I also danced your freedom, your courage, your strength, your love…
Here you are granny, you are deep inside my heart.
I love you granny, I love you so much!
See you soon my sweet granny,
see you in our dreams, in our souls!